16-19 Sep 2024 Aussois (France)


The aim of this 4-day retreat at the CNRS center in Aussois is to gather around 30 researchers (including PhDs, Postdocs and Engineers) to foster discussions and exchanges around the SAMA group research themes (statistics, data assimilation, inverse problems, machine learning, etc.). A first part of the retreat will be dedicated to lectures by Clément Dombry on the Mathematics used in Machine Learning. A second part will be dedicated to the participants presenting their work in the form of oral presentations or posters. The main themes covered during this retreat are emulators, generative models, stochastic weather generators and uncertainty quantification.

General information and important dates

Registration and submission deadlines: July 19th, 2024.

Notificaiton of acceptance: August 9th, 2024.

The school will starton Monday 16th of September at lunch time (12:30) and will end on Thursday 19th of September after lunch (13:30). If selected (priority will be given to young researchers), registration, lodging and meals costs can be  covered by IPSL. Transport won't to be funded.

Early arrival on Sunday 15th of April might be available upon request. Check-in at front desk at the Aussois CAES center starts on Sunday evening or on Monday morning. Depending on the number of participants, participants may have to share a room.


The Paul Langevin conference centre is located at an elevation of 1500 m, 7 km from the city of Modane with direct rail links to Paris and Turin. From the train station Modane, it is possible to take taxis to go from Modane to Aussois. For example, vans from the Marius taxi company can transport many participants coming from the same train (saving money and CO2 but you need to reserve them).

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